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The Science Behind Alarplasty In Dubai

Alarplasty, also known as alar base reduction, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to reshape and reduce the size of the nostrils. It is often sought by individuals who feel that their nostrils are disproportionately large or wide in relation to the rest of their facial features. This article delves into the science behind  Alarplasty in Dubai , exploring its anatomy, surgical techniques, and outcomes. Understanding Nasal Anatomy To grasp the science of alarplasty, it’s essential to understand the anatomy of the nose. The nose is a complex structure consisting of bone, cartilage, skin, and soft tissue. The alar base, which is the part of the nose surrounding the nostrils, includes several key anatomical components: Nasal Cartilage:  The alar cartilages provide structural support to the nostrils. They are flexible and can be shaped or reduced during surgery. Nasal Skin:  The skin covering the nostrils varies in thickness and elasticity, which affects how the skin will heal and con