
Showing posts with the label Buffalo Hump Removal Dubai

Buffalo Hump Removal in Dubai and What You Should Know

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in aesthetic and health-related procedures in Dubai. Among these, buffalo hump removal has emerged as a significant concern for many individuals. This condition, often manifesting as a noticeable lump of fat at the base of the neck, can be both a cosmetic issue and a health concern. Here’s what you should know about  Buffalo Hump Removal in Dubai , including the causes, procedures, and aftercare involved. Understanding Buffalo Hump What is Buffalo Hump? Buffalo hump, medically known as dorsocervical fat pad, is a condition where a localized fat deposit forms at the base of the neck. This bulge can give the appearance of a "hump" and may be visible from the back or side profile. The condition is commonly associated with underlying health issues such as Cushing’s syndrome, obesity, or prolonged use of corticosteroids. Causes and Risk Factors The development of a buffalo hump can be attributed to several factors: Cushing’s Syndr